The 12 Highest Paying Travel Nursing Cities

The 12 Highest Paying Travel Nursing Cities

 We get asked quite often what the highest paying travel nursing cities are. We get it! Who doesn’t want to make the most money they possibly can?! Travel nursing is a unique profession that allocates many different salary ranges for the “same job.” It is important to do all of your research to get the best end of the deal.

We want you to remember one thing when you set out on the journey to find the highest paying travel nursing cities: you have to calculate your individual profit of that particular pay after you subtract the cost of living. We could all make a million dollars a day, but if one person spends half of that on living costs and another person spends all of it I think we all know who ends up richer. Sure, a very exaggerated example, but you get the point. It won’t matter how much you make if you want luxurious living.

So, let’s take a look at the options so that you can make the choice for yourself. The beauty of travel nursing is that you can make all of these choices for you, your comfort level, and your financial situation. We are just here to provide you with the data & information on the highest paying travel nursing cities for you to make data-driven career decisions. The world is your oyster, travelers! The averages for the following 12 highest paying travel nursing cities you’ll see below were calculated using the fully detailed pay packages on our website at www.wanderly.us You can slice and dice the fully detailed pay packages any way you like and you can even sort by pay to find the highest paying assignment in each city!

The 12 Highest Paying Travel Nursing Cities Are:

  1. Los Angeles, CA – $2,977
  2. San Francisco, CA – $2,843
  3. San Jose, CA – $2,817
  4. Stockton, CA – $2,467
  5. San Bernadino, CA – $2,445
  6. Washington DC – $2,408
  7. New York, NY – $2,381
  8. Boston, MA – $2,298
  9. Anchorage, AK – $2,125
  10. Milwaukee, WI – $2,018
  11. Chicago, IL – $2,013
  12. Dallas, TX – $1,913

Things to Consider by State:

 State Tax Regulations: various state regulations affect the way that taxes affect your pay. There are nine states that do not have income tax and you can find them on our Travel Nurse Tax Guide. There are also taxes, tax-free, and various housing/stipend options to choose from.

 Employment Regulations: check the hours you can work for pay in your state, overtime, time off, and amount of money you will be paid for extra hours.

 Specializations, Skills, and Resume Building:  the more certifications and skills that you can add to your resume and the more specialized you can become the more money you will make. Plain and simple!

Notes: The highest paying travel nursing cities change very often, if not daily, and that is important to note. There are many things that affect the pay rates/salaries of travel nurses including: census, crisis rates, outbreaks, need, strikes, and weather.

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