15 Tips to Stay Healthy During Covid-19

15 Tips to Stay Healthy During Covid-19

15 Tips to Protect Your Physical, Mental, and Medical Well-Being During Covid-19 

It has become a very trying time across the globe due to the Covid-19 pandemic. We have seen various reports on the decline of the well-being of our human race, but make no mistake, the novel coronavirus is affecting everyone in one way or another. It is important to us to provide you with resources for combatting the boredom, health decline, possible sickness, anxiety, stress, loneliness, and spread of Covid-19, because you shouldn’t have to go through this alone—even in quarantine.


  1. Wash Your Hands

            This one seems obvious, but washing your hands multiple times a day is really important. ALWAYS wash them before you eat, after using the restroom, before touching your face, and before going to bed.

  1. Drink Warm Water After You Come Inside From a Walk

            If you enjoy walking or running outside, that is totally fine as long as you are practicing social distancing (unless you live in NY, where a face covering is now mandatory just to go outside). However, when you get back home, drink some warm liquid. If the virus somehow got into your mouth, you can swallow it into your stomach before you breathe it into your lungs.

  1. Leave Your Shoes at the Front Door and Have Hand Sanitizer by the Front Door

            You do not want to drag new germs into your home from the outside. Leave your shoes outside or at the front door. Also, the first thing you need to do every time you go outside of your home and come back is wash your hands before you touch anything. You will have to touch your faucet, so hand sanitize before you get to your sink.

  1. Wear a Face Covering When You Go Out

            This is now a CDC guideline, so be sure to have one anytime you are going to an essential business. If you can wear one whilst out other places as well, do so.

  1. Wash Your Hands and Feet Before Bed

            This one is new to a lot of you. Wash your hands and your feet before you get into bed. It will help you feel better, you won’t touch your face in the middle of the night with unclean hands, and you won’t bring germs from the floor into your bed.

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  1. Exercise Each Day

            This does not need to be rigorous, but do something that increases your heart rate every single day in quarantine. You can improve your immune system and decrease fatigue/motivation concerns. Plus, you’ll just feel better.

  1. Stretch

You don’t need to be able to do the splits by the end of quarantine, but making sure you do some light stretching will improve blood flow and reduce stiffness.

  1. Try to Eat Nutritiously

            You will not feel good throughout quarantine if you only eat unhealthy snacks/foods all day long. You will also gain weight. Make it a priority to include plenty of fruits and vegetables into your diet and decrease unnecessary snacking.

  1. Drink Water, Not Alcohol

            Zoom happy hours are the new thing! You can indulge every once and awhile, but do not get into the habit of drinking alcohol every night. That habit can be hard to break, your sleep will be disrupted, and your body needs water to stay hydrated. 

  1. Get Plenty of Sleep

            It is healthy to get 7-9 hours of sleep a night. Try to keep a routine of sleep schedule, even throughout quarantine. You will sleep better and feel more refreshed upon waking.



  1. FaceTime Friends and Family

            Whatever way you have to video chat, use it! Often! It is never too often, I promise. FaceTime with people you love as much as possible to combat loneliness and boredom. Schedule quick 5 minute calls each day if you’re feeling spread thin from working at home. Do this everyday. Loneliness does not discriminate.

  1. Call Someone New Everyday

            This is a HIGHLY underrated suggestion. The benefits of catching up with someone in your life that you haven’t spoken to in awhile are unparalleled. Make new connections! Make reconnections! It will make you feel a happiness that was somewhat forgotten, and we all need new forms of pleasure throughout quarantine.

  1. Get a Few Minutes of Sunshine Each Day

            This one is self-explanatory. Vitamin D combats depressive symptoms. Get outside or sit near a bright window every single day.

  1. Journal, Read, or Do Another Self-Care Expressive Activity

We are all feeling new feelings during this time. We are in uncharted territory. It is important to express your feelings. Try journaling or reading. Spending some alone time allows us to reflect and pause the day. Try journaling what you are grateful for, this reminds you of the positives during this time. 

  1. Set Aside Specific Separate Times for Work and for Rest

            Don’t get so caught up in being “productive” that you work all day long. Set aside times that you work, and times that you are done working for the day and can rest and recharge. You ARE productive. You ARE motivated. Working twelve-hour days does not prove that just because we are all working from home. It is VITAL that if you want to be a good “worker” you are also a good “rester”. Write down the tasks you have completed throughout the day if you need “proof” of productivity.

This is a new, unprecedented time in U.S. History. We are all trying to figure out this new normal, and proceed in the healthiest of ways. Try these 15 tips for staying healthy during Covid-19, and let us know how they work for you.

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