Leah’s Second Travel Assignment: Insights and Experiences

Leah’s Second Travel Assignment: Insights and Experiences

Wanderly has had a long standing relationship with Leah Gnitka, an incredible travel nurse we met through Nurse Kelley, our Chief Nurse Advocate. This week, we are posting travel nursing stories by travel nurses! This week Leah, aka @scrubsinasuitcase is sharing her exciting story. We came across her photos and loved seeing her adventure thus far, so we wanted to get to know her a little more with Nurse Kelley. Leah and Kelley hosted a travel nurse meet-up before Covid-19 happened in Seattle with an incredible turnout. Since then, they have worked together on podcast, emails, giveaways, and blogs to assist the travel nurse community with whatever they may need. We asked Leah to give us her inside scoop on being a travel nurse. Her responses are below! Enjoy! Let us know if you have any more questions for her that are not covered in this blog post. We are available to you. Of course, if any of you have any amazing travel nursing stories please feel free to share and we’ll feature you next!

See what Leah has to say:

“Hi, my name is Leah and I am a travel nurse from Minnesota! I am currently on my second travel assignment in New Orleans and I absolutely love it! There is always something to do here and the weather is warm☀ also they have delicious beignets!”

What was your first travel assignment?

“My first assignment was in West Virginia, and the state pleasantly surprised me! I heard stories about how people don’t wear shoes there and don’t have teeth. But what I found out for myself was how nice everyone was and how beautiful the state is! In West Virginia I learned to live outside of my comfort zone.”

What did you do in West Virginia?

“I climbed Seneca rocks, went hiking by myself, chased waterfalls, and BASE jumped off a bridge! I met so many wonderful people and saw so many beautiful views during my stay there. But most importantly I learned the mentality of “you only live once.” I used to be scared to do things by myself.”

“I used to be scared of heights. But in West Virginia I learned to push myself to my limits because I knew I might not have that opportunity again. The results when I pushed myself were wonderful. I wouldn’t have had as many adventures if I didn’t learn to push myself. So here’s to more solo hikes and jumping off high objects!”

What’s your favorite part of being a travel nurse?

 “My favorite part of my job (besides getting to explore new areas) is getting to meet so many different nurses and learn from them. It’s so fun to compare the different hospitals and staff and see how things are done. I have already learned a lot!”

What’s the most challenging part of being a travel nurse?

“Honestly, I feel the hardest part of being a travel nurse is saying goodbyes once the assignment is up. It’s hard to leave your friends and co-workers you made along the way.

Time for some randomness! Share anything else about you:

 “A few random facts about me are that I love cats, my coffee order go-to is a mint mocha, and my dream state for travel nursing is Hawaii?”
Thanks for sharing on this week’s Nurse Talk, Leah! We wish you the best in your current and future travel assignments! We’ll be publishing more travel nursing stories so stay tuned!
For more information and to find your favorite travel assignment, visit us at Wanderly.

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